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#JLGNHerstory: Katy Meier

09/12/2022 9:00 AM | Deleted user

By: Allison Gallaspy

Since its founding in 1923, the Junior League of Greater New Haven has sought to effect positive change in the Greater New Haven community by promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and supporting the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. As the League prepares for its Centennial Anniversary, we celebrate our members and share their incredible stories, recognizing how each individual story makes up that of the League as a whole.

Katy Meier

Katy Meier joined the Junior League of Oklahoma City in 2015 to make friends outside of work after college. She works, remotely, for a company in Austin, TX as a structural engineer who specializes in bridge design. After moving to Connecticut, she re-joined the Junior League of Greater New Haven with the Fall provisional class in 2021. “We [the Provisionals] clicked pretty much from the first time we met.”

Katy has been a member of three Leagues total, including also the Junior League of St. Louis, and she has accepted leadership positions that gave her practice organizing groups, running a meeting, and communication that transfers to life outside of The League. “Over the 3 Leagues I've been a part of, I have attended trainings on negotiation which I've used in 

negotiating salary in my career; I learned about financial literacy, which I've used in planning my retirement investments; and I also learned calligraphy which I put to use addressing my wedding invitations.”

Katy also says that the JLGNH has helped her, “become a member of the community and also given me insight into how I can better serve it.”

The Junior League of Greater New Haven is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.

203 Elm STreet, PO box 200369, New Haven, CT 06520  |  203.562.5076  |

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