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#JLGNHerstory: Cate Kellett

09/05/2022 9:00 AM | Deleted user

By: Allison Gallaspy

Since its founding in 1923, the Junior League of Greater New Haven has sought to effect positive change in the Greater New Haven community by promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and supporting the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. As the League prepares for its Centennial Anniversary, we celebrate our members and share their incredible stories, recognizing how each individual story makes up that of the League as a whole.

Cate Kellett

Cate Kellett was introduced to the Junior League of Greater New Haven when she attended their holiday party with a friend. She remembers how the group made her feel at that gathering saying, “the group seemed very friendly and laid back, so I decided to try it out.” Cate works as the Cataloging and Government Documents Librarian at Yale Law School and has become a mother since joining the JLGNH to daughter Harper, which keeps her booked and busy during the week, so she appreciates that JLGNH has adapted to offer virtual meetings and volunteer opportunities. The flexible virtual options, “helped me participate more than I could have once I had Harper.

The highlight of Cate’s membership in the Junior League was the Say Yes to the Prom Dress project, which she describes as, “the most fun and fulfilling project we’ve done during my time with JLGNH.” Ms. Kellett is also looking to future projects where she might put her professional skills to use on behalf of the League, including potentially organizing and describing the contents of JLGNH’s archive. 

The Junior League of Greater New Haven is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.

203 Elm STreet, PO box 200369, New Haven, CT 06520  |  203.562.5076  |

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