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#JLGNHerstory: Caitlin Gallagher

08/15/2022 9:00 AM | Deleted user

By: Allison Gallaspy

Since its founding in 1923, the Junior League of Greater New Haven has sought to effect positive change in the Greater New Haven community by promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and supporting the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. As the League prepares for its Centennial Anniversary, we celebrate our members and share their incredible stories, recognizing how each individual story makes up that of the League as a whole.

Caitlin Gallagher

Caitlin Gallagher is currently a publicist at Yale University Press, but if you ask her, she’ll tell you she’s a “professional book flack.” She enjoys visiting writers’ homes, bookshops, and historical towns throughout New England. Caitlin joined the Junior League of New Haven in August of 2021, “in hopes of giving back to my new community while in the company of like-minded women.”

Caitlin says the highlight of her time in JLNGH is, “without doubt…making meaningful friendships with my fellow Junior Leaguers in what feels like a surprisingly short amount of time.” She also enjoyed working with other Provisionals and Active members giving back during the holiday season by making blankets for New Reach.

We’ll let Caitlin tell you one more thing about her time in JLGNH. “At a time when following Foster’s famous imperative to ‘only connect’ seems especially daunting, I’ve been so grateful to the Junior League’s members for their warmth and generosity of spirit, which make connecting with others not only possible, but fulfilling.”

The Junior League of Greater New Haven is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.

203 Elm STreet, PO box 200369, New Haven, CT 06520  |  203.562.5076  |

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